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Shtetl Memoirs: Jewish Life in Galicia Under the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Reborn Poland, 1898-1939


Original: $22.99

Product Description

A must read for anyone who had family that came from or that lived in Austrian/Hungarian Empire, Poland or Russia in the years 1898 - 1939.
The book describes the plight of a people that had no where to turn to. As the Austrian-Hungarian Empire collapsed, anti-Semitism rose and the Jews of Eastern Europe suffered discrimination, degradation, impoverishment and brutality.
Simultaneously, it became more and more difficult to emigrate. The doors to America were closing. The British reneged on their promise to make Palestine a Jewish Homeland. Prior to the World War I, the British courted the Jews and sought their support. In exchange they pledged a Jewish homeland in Palestine. After WWI, Arab oil became more important to the British.
The majority of Jews of Europe were imprisoned in a nightmare with no escape.
The author was born in Galicia in 1895 and survived the Holocaust. It is an eyewitness account of life under Franz Josef who was celebrated by the Jewish population for his liberal views and policies of tolerance. The author brings Jewish life during this time alive to the reader.
Unfortunately, after the demise of the Austrian/Hungarian Empire after World War I, the undercurrents of barbaric anti-Semitism that had been simmering all along erupted without end ... culminating in the Holocaust.
This book will give you a glimpse of the Jews of Galicia who were robbed, tortured, raped, plundered and murdered until the land was judenrein. The Jews of Galicia should not be forgotten.
This book will help you remember these poor innocent victims of irrational hate and intolerance.

Author:Joachim Schoenfeld
Condition Rating:4
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