Lilmode Ulelamade (On Nevi™im- Joshua)


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This volume on Sefer Yehoshua is the first one in the new Lilmod Ul'lamed Tanach Series. Like Lilmod Ul'lamed on Torah, this sefer offers the English- speaking public a synopsis of the chapters in Yehoshua. Along with commentaries, it is replete with parables, stories, and maamorei Chazal (words of our Sages), that assist in illustrating and understanding the chapters and subjects in Sefer Yehoshua. There is no better way to teach the lessons gleaned from Yehoshua than by showing how our Sages incorporated these lessons into their own lives. The sections conclude with quotes from various Scriptures and seforim. Included in this volume is a glossary of Hebrew terms, a list of historic dates relevant to Sefer Yehoshua, and a map of Eretz Yisroel in the time of Yehoshua. All Hebrew names and places throughout the book are transliterated into English (i.e., Yehoshua not Joshua) so as to make them consistent with, and to facilitate the studying of, the original Hebrew text. The first time a specific Hebrew term is used in the book, it is transliterated into English and directly followed by its definition in parentheses, i.e., loshon horoh (evil gossip). At all other times if is simply italicized and its definition can be found at the end of the book in the Glossary.

Ul'lamed on Torah, this sefer offers the English- speaking public a synopsis of the chapters in Yehoshua. Along with commentaries

Author:Rabbi Mordechai Katz, Edited by Mrs. Chavie Aranoff
Publication Status:A Classic!
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